Navan Stop Relocation from Monday 29/01/2024: routes NX, 109 and 190

We wish to advise customers travelling on our routes NX, 109 and 190 of the following change to the drop-off and pick-up bus-stop in Abbey Road Navan Town. 

Routes NX, 109 and 190 will operate to/from new bus-stops on Kennedy Road. These changes will become active from Monday 29th January 2024.

Bus Stop Number on Kennedy Road for routes NX and 109 (from Dublin); and for route 190 (to Drogheda):

  •  Stop 189571

Bus Stop Number on Kennedy Road for routes NX and 109 (to Dublin); and for route 190 (to Trim/Athlone):

  •  Stop 189521

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Monday, 15th January, 2024