Bus Éireann announces improved services and timetables on Route 329, Kilfinane to Limerick

Bus Éireann, Ireland’s national bus company, is pleased to announce significantly enhanced services and timetable to Route 329, Kilfinane to Limerick which will come into effect on Sunday, 10 September.

Funded by the Department of Transport through the National Transport Authority as part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan, the enhanced Route 329 will provide eight weekday services connecting Kilfinane and Limerick, and for the first time a Sunday & Public Holiday timetable with 5 daily services.

The updated service will also feature earlier and later daily departures from both Kilfinance & Limerick with the last departure from Limerick now at 21:00hrs.

Route 329 will serve Kilfinane, Kilmallock, Bruff, Grange, Ballyneety, Drombana and a number of stops in Limerick City before terminating at the Bus/Train Station.

Updated service details and timetables are available at buseireann.ie.

Monday, 28th August, 2023