Service updates

12 Mar 2025 12:40 am


Service Disruption

Service Update for South Region Wednesday 12/03/2025

*Updated at 08.30*

Planned and current diversions:

Route 237:

Please note that due to the West Cork Rally Opening Event, Pearse Street, Clonakilty will be closed to traffic from 19:30 to 22:00, Friday 14th March. As a result, all services on Route 237 will not serve Pearse Street. Route 237 services will operate via the By-Pass for the duration of the closure.

Route 214 & 216:

South Main Street will be closed to traffic from Monday, 20th January, to Friday, 14th March, 2025, inclusive.
Route 214 ex Knockraha/Glyntown will operate as follows:

• Kent Station - Clontarf Street - Terence McSweeney Quay - Anglesea Street - South Terrace - Sullivan’s Quay.
• Temporary bus stops: Clontarf Street; Anglesea Street (City Hall) and Sullivan’s Quay.
• Route 214 ex CUH is not affected.

Route 216 ex Monkstown will operate as follows:

• George’s Quay, continuing ahead to Sullivan’s Quay & Frenches Quay and as per normal route.
• Temporary bus stop: Sullivan’s Quay.
• Services ex CUH are not affected.

St Patrick's Day 2025 Diversions for Cork City   
                                                                                                                                                                                   Note all Northbound Services that Operate through St Patrick Street will operate diversion from start of service . All other services will operate a through service via diverted routes 10:00-18:00.


202 From 10:00 - 18:00 - Southbound: Will operate via Sunvalley Drive ,O Connell St , Watercourse Road,  Cathedral Walk , Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Streets/Bridges, then normal , serving Clontarf Street stop en route. 
        From 10:00 - 18:00  Northbound:  operate via Eglington Street, Albert Quay, De Valera and Collins Bridges, Penrose Quay, Patrick's Quay, Camden Quay then normal

202a From 10:00 - 18:00 Southbound: Will operate via Sunvalley Drive, O Connell St , Watercourse Road,  Cathedral Walk , Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Streets/Bridges, then normal.  serving Clontarf Street stop en route.
        From 10:00  - 18:00 North bound:  operate via Eglinton Street, Albert Quay, De Valera and Collins Bridges, Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay then normal

203 From 10:00  - 18:00 Southbound: turn left from N20 and operate via Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Bridges/Streets, Albert Quay N27 to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea  Street, stopping opp  Crawford Bar 
        From Start of Service -18:00  Northbound:  operate via Cotter Street, Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi) , continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, right onto Bridge St. and then normal.

205 From Start of Service -18:00 Eastbound: operate via Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay,  Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, then normal 
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Westbound:  operate via Horgan's Quay. Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay, Christy Ring, Lavitts Quay, Kyrles Quay . Gratton Street, then normal 

206 From 10:00  - 18:00 Northbound - Normal route to South Terrace, then right to Cotter Street, right to Copley Street, right to Anglesea Street, Set down Opp Crawford Bar (between Breast Check and Old Station Road Jctn)
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Southbound - Depart  Opp Crawford Bar (between Breast Check and Old Station Road Jctn) , then normal route thereafter

207 From Start of Service -18:00 Northbound - Normal route to South Terrace, then right to Cotter Street, right to Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi) , continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, right to Bridge Street, McCurtain and Summerhill North then as normal
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Southbound - Continue straight at Brian Boru Bridge, via Clontarf Street & Bridge, left onto Albert Quay then right onto N27 then straight to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea Street, stopping opp  Crawford Bar , then normal route thereafter.

207a From 10:00  - 18:00 Toward City Turn right from Brian Boru Street on to St Patricks Quay
From 10:00  - 18:00 Toward Glenthorn turn right on to Bridge Street and normal route thereafter

208 From Start of Service -18:00 Eastbound: operate via Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay,  Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, then normal 
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Westbound:  Turn left from Devonshire St onto N20 towards Christy Ring Bridge, Lavitts Quay, Kyrles Quay Gratton Street, then normal. 

212 From 10:00  - 18:00 Southbound Operate Normal Route 
From 10:00  - 18:00 Northbound - Eglinton Street, Collins and De Valera Bridges, Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, right to Bridge Street - then as normal

213 From 10:00  - 18:00 Outbound Depart at stop  between Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area and Old Station Road Jctn and via Evergreen Road to South Link Slip
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Inbound Depart Black Ash and Operate via South Link and Old Station Road to stop  between Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area.

214 From Start of Service -18:00 Eastbound:  From Sherman Crawford Street, turn left on Wandesford Quay, left to Lancaster Quay, right to Mardyke Street,  right on to Mardyke,  left to Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay,  Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, then normal 
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Westbound: Operate via Horgan's Quay, Collins and De Valera Bridges, Albert Quay N27 to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea Street, stopping opp  Crawford Bar, South Terrace, Sullivan's Quay, Probys Quay, then normal thereafter. 

215 From 10:00  - 18:00 Eastbound: operate via N20 to Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Bridges, continue straight at Brian Boru Bridge, via Clontarf Street & Bridge, Albert Quay N27 to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea  Street, stopping opp  Crawford Bar and normal thereafter
        From Start of Service -18:00 North bound:  Normal route to South Terrace, operate via Cotter Street, Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi) , continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, then right onto Bridge St. then normal

216 From 10:00  - 18:00 Westbound: Via  South Terrace, Georges Quay, Sullivan's Quay, Probys then normal route thereafter. 
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Eastbound: Continue straight at Noonan Road, continue straight on to Green Street, then turn left on to Roselawn, continuing straight onto St Patricks Road, Summerhill South, Anglesea Street, South Terrace, right on to Cotter Street,  right on to Copley Street and  stopping at Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area on Anglesea then normal route

220 From 10:00  - 18:00 Westbound: Via  South Terrace, Georges Quay, Sullivan's Quay, Probys Quay, Sherman Crawford Street,  right on to Wandesford Quay, then left on to Washington Street then normal route thereafter. 
        From 10:00  - 18:00 Eastbound: via Mardyke, left to  Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay,  Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru Street,  N27, Old Station Road Anglesea St, stopping at Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area, then normal route

223 From 10:00  - 18:00 Northbound - Normal route to South Terrace, then right to Cotter Street, right to Copley Street, Old Station Road, N27,  stopping at Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area, then normal route
From 10:00  - 18:00 Southbound - Depart  Opp Crawford Bar (between Breast Check and Old Station Road Jctn) , then normal route thereafter

225 From 10:00  - 18:00 Outbound: operate via Clontarf St then left onto Albert Quay then right onto N27
From 10:00  - 18:00 Inbound: Via  N27 turn right at Jctn, passing Aldi , continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Ship Street

226 From 10:00  - 18:00 Outbound: via  N27, Old Station Road and turn left to Breast Check Stop 
From 10:00  - 18:00 Inbound: , operate via Cotter Street, Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi) , continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, and left to Ship Street

Stage Carriage Diversions 
Westbound: Routes 40, 233, 236, 237, 239 operate via Lower Oliver Plunkett St,  Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay, Christy Ring, Lavitts Quay, Kyrles Quay . Gratton Street, then normal.

Routes coming from the west: 40, 233, 236, 237, 239 will operate via Mardyke, Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay,  Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru Bridge, Lower Oliver Plunkett Street, Parnell Place.

All Loadings are at rear of station for the duration of the Parade . 
Temporary Stops
Anglesea Street - Old Station Road to Breastcheck area
St Patrick's Quay - Near Mary Elm's Bridge
Sullivan's Quay - Opp Nano Nagle Bridge,
St Patrick's Quay - Near Mary Elm's Bridge
Sun Valley Drive for 202/202A Diversion
Lavitts Quay for drop offs only 

Bus Eireann apologies for any inconvenience these disruptions may cause.